Thursday, February 25, 2010

Any Event with Owls is A-Ok with Me

Jen and I went to the opening party of an Art Exhibition last night. It was so snowy, slippery and windy, we walked right past the building. When we got to the other side of Houston ST is when I noticed the numbers on the building were lower than the address of the building. Jen's reaction to the thought of having to cross the icy and slippery street again, made me laugh.

We finally get to the building and go upstairs to the exhibit. The artist is Lisa Grue and the Exhibit is called: Owls Have More Fun. The place was a little smaller than we thought it would be, but it was still nice. People were mostly talking to each other while Jen and I made our way across the room to look at the art.

On the floor was a huge rug filled with owls *squeals*. Oh if you didn't know, I <3 Owls. It's the whole reason why we trekked in the snow to go to the event. if you haven't guessed by now, I want that rug!

On the wall were hand-printed porcelain plates that the artist designed. The one below was my favorite. I liked look the owl was giving the viewer.

If you are close by and have a few minutes (and love Owls) you should go check it out.
The exhibit is from February 25th to March 26th and it is located at:
Gallery Hanahou - 611 Broadway Suite 730 - New York, NY - More info

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