Friday, June 25, 2010

Entering the World of Lomography

My coworker needed to go to the art store to buy spray paint. I tagged along with him because I love the art store. I helped him pick out a blue color to use to paint on his skateboard ... oh did I forget to mention I have a blank skateboard and I will be designing it soon? .. cause I do :-D. Anyway, I wondered into another alse and found a table filled with toys cameras aka Lomography cameras.

I could not walk away. My co worker got on line, paid, came back and I was still there. I've always wanted the Diana F+ camera but I figured it is doing something my d60 is already doing, so I wanted to get the Fisheye camera. I wanted the Diana F+ kit which comes with all the lens and attachments and also cost about $250. I just spent so much money moving, I could spare to spend any more money. I don't have a Fisheye lens and getting the camera would have been perfect. My coworker had to drag me away. It helped that I was hungry and we hadn't eaten lunch yet.

The Lomography store is not far from my job. It is located on West 8th and 6th AVE. I headed over there after work to basically drool over all the photographs and photography equipment. I ended up getting the Fisheye 2 camera, Diana F+ hotshoe flash and 3 rolls of film. Yes, they are film cameras. It is actually so much fun to take weird photos and wondering how they are going to come out. I heart my new toy.