Monday, April 29, 2013


So apparently I am missing 14 weeks of photos for my 52 weeks project. The problem is not that I didn't take photos. The issue is more that I've taken photos, but never put in the time to select and upload one or I took photos that week but not any photos meant to better my photography skills. The photos were random photos or I was taking photos to document something.

I get so reluctant about uploading photos because I want them to be the best photos I can take and not just anything, but of course that holds me back from doing anything. This doesn't even matter anyway because I end up hating most of the stuff I upload.

Ugh. I'm going to try to set time aside every day this week to at least select which photos I am going to upload and check to see if I am really missing photos for a week. I even created a spreadsheet! I dislike the fact that I had to make a spreadsheet because that takes the fun out of it but if I want to commit to this year long project, I think I have to be formal and structured about this @_@.

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