Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Super Bowl Boulevard 2014

Editing video seems to take me twice as long to upload than editing a photo. I've been meaning to edit and upload this for a while. I finally had time to finish this video.

Super Bowl Boulevard 2014 from Ulina on Vimeo.

It was kind of cool to finally have the Super Bowl in my hometown and the same city where I am living. Too bad it wasn't for the Jets or Giants, but I was rooting for Seattle and I was super glad they won. At first I thought I would be annoyed with the amount of tourist and people everywhere, but instead I was just amazed at how much time and effort went into shutting down streets and setting up events for people to enjoy. 

Monday, March 10, 2014


When I first start drawing this minion work, I thought, hey minions should be easy to draw. They are just simple shapes. But then I remembered that I suck at line art, so my lines are bumpy. I also added shading and a lot of details. A couple of weeks later and I am done. Cleaning up the lines is what took most of the time.

Helping by enchanteddroppings on deviantART

I did learn a little bit more about the tools in Sketchbook Mobile and how to draw using a digital program, so that is a plus. there are a bunch of things I still don't like in this work, but I had to stop at some point.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Drawing: BMO with DA Muro

Okay, I'm not obsessed with BMO. I just happen to want to use him to test out new programs. Since he looks like he should be easy to draw (not true depending on the program), I am using him to test out and learn different apps.

I drew this over several days using DeviantART's online drawing app Muro. I started drawing this while watch the NBA All Star Weekend events and I just finished it today. The app has some limitations, for example the amount of brushes, but it is still a decent drawing program. I saw an option to upload brushes. When I learn how, I will. Having your own brushes that work exacting the way you want it will help to keep you sane. I have a Wacom tablet that I bought years ago. I'll dust it off and try it out with the app to see if it can pick up pressure sensitivity and because drawing with a mouse pad is torture!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Afternoon Sketch: Cali Lewis

Renee Busee, the SketchBook community manager from Autodesk was on Geek Beat TV teaching the hosts how to use Sketchbook Pro and how to draw. Watch the video below if you would like to learn too.

I ended up following along and creating the sketch below.

Sketch226132250 by enchanteddroppings on deviantART

I have an issue with shading. It is something I have been working on for years with little to no progress. But this was a quick sketch so I wasn't trying that hard. I was just following along. Next time I'll do the highlight on another layer so i can fix issues instead of making them worse.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Train Sketch: BMO

I've suddenly become obsessed with BMO. I think it is because he looks so easy to draw until you start drawing him. If I drew him by hand, he would take less time to draw than trying to draw him on a mobile device or on a desktop device using a mouse pad.

I drew this yesterday on my train ride home. I am running out of space on my iPod and I wanted to go over the apps I have so I can delete the ones I don't use, don't like or need anymore. I download the Adobe Ideas app a while ago bt never used it. When I opened the app and took my first stroke, i was shocked and how smooth and accurate the stroke turned out. Immediately started drawing BMO.

Photo Feb 20, 12 11 40 AM by enchanteddroppings on deviantART

Drawing while on a MTA train is tricky. If you are on a local train, there are less bumps and the train down go too fast because it will have to slow down in a minute for the next station. I was doing okay until my train left Manhattan and was in the under water tunnel. there were too many bumps and I hand to wait for a smooth spot to start drawing again.

The sketch is  a bit sloppy. there are lots of places were I could clean it up but i didn't want to spend hours on something that was suppose to be a quick sketch. As far as the Adobe ideas app, so far I like it  a lot and I recommend it. I'll do a review on it in another post.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Night Time Sketch: BMO

Wow, this took way longer than it should have. Looking at the drawing, it consists of simple lines and shapes. If I was using a vector program I would have been done in five minutes. Instead I spent close to an hour trying to clean up the lines. You can still see that the lines are not clean, but it is time for me to go to bed. My high of the Seattle Seahawks winning the Super Bowl is dying down.

Autodesk Sketchbook on Android
Wacom Bamboo New Solo Stylus

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Looking Back, Does it Get Better?

When you look uphill, you only see those who have gotten further than you. In order to get to where they are, you have to keep going. Whether you start to run, jog, or crawl, you have to keep moving to get to where they were. One of my problems is that I stop moving and just stare uphill. I look at how far the people before me have gotten, I look to see the next plateau and I looked to see where the top is located. I could say I stopped to strategize, but that is not always the case.

It is very rare that I look behind me to see how far I've traveled and compliment myself on my progress. For some reason I feel like that is settling and I don't want to be content until I've reached the top or a specific plateau. What or where is the plateau is something I don't know.

So what is my point? I've always wanted to get better at drawing, but I don't feel like I am getting better. In junior high school, I took art for 3 years. I had two different teachers that told me I had potential. In high school, I had my art teacher tell me I had potential. Again in college, it was mandatory to take an art class and my art teacher told me I had potential and asked if I would want to take her advanced class. I had considered majoring in art before starting college, but I knew most of the people who were majoring in art were extremely talented and had been drawing for years. I went to art centered open houses and felt I could not compete with the other students or get into a program, so i pushed the thought out of my mind.

After changing majors and colleges, I settled on Computer Information systems. While in under grad, I dated an Architect. I told him about my love of art and design and how I found his profession inspiring. He told me that I was too technical and would never make it as an artist. There was no sugar coating, he said it as blunt as that. I'm not sure if he said it to make me try to work harder to prove him wrong (he lives his life very much like a drama TV series) or because he really meant it.

Years later I shocked myself when I got into a graduate program in an art university. I had to submit a portfolio of, I believe 12-20 items and my shitty art made it through! But because life happens, I only completed one year of school and never had the time or strength to finish grad school. I do plan on finishing one day, but I believe I will switch my major, it's what I do. My grad school major was ... actually the name changed while I was in the program. It was called something like Computer Arts/New Media and now it is called Web Design and New Media. I don't feel like that degree is necessary anymore and I would like to change to something else like Game Design, Filmmaking or Animation. If I re-enroll under any of those degrees I am going to have to step my skills up because they are not related to my current career and I will need to study just to be on the level of my classmates.

So I was sorting through my photos and I saw some screenshots I took in March 2012 from the game "Draw Something". I use to like playing that game but my friends tend to get tired of games quick (or they just get tired of playing with me). Looking at the screen shots, I'm kind of a tiny bit impressed at how I was able to draw the word. They aren't the greatest drawing, but for drawing on an iPod without a stylist in a short time span, they look decent.

Sometimes I drew the word well but the person guessing ... I'm not sure what they were thinking.

I found a new app called "DrawQuest". It sends a word or phrase each day and you have to draw a picture to represent the word. It is set up more like a feed. You have your own feed and you can follow others and their drawings show up on your home page. I just started getting use to it and I received an email stating they are shutting down.

I was going to use that app as a way of drawing more often or at least getting inspiration in my pocket. Sometimes I get a burst of inspiration to draw, but that doesn't come often enough. So now I need another plan. I wont get any better if I am not active. I need to make a goal or a project for myself. I know my limits and those 365 projects are too time consuming. The 52 weeks projects are easier, but I have a job that has me working more than 40 hours a week, so I tend to be too tired to remember anything beside eating and sleeping. Maybe I'll try a 26 week project; meaning I will have to post at least once every other week. It's a baby step and the thing that matters is that I just keep moving and not standing still and staring up at the mountain.