Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Redbubble Hardcover Journals

Between Redbubble, Society6 and Nuvango, I think they are all trying to make me go broke. A few months ago, I bought laptops skins for my home and work computer from Nuvango. I've been favoriting a bunch of the art work on all the sites. In the last 6-12 months, all three of these sites have added more products to their catalogs. One of the best things about these sites is that they are supporting artist. They are giving artists ways to sell their work using quality material.

If you don't know anything about those sites, they are marketplaces where artists can upload their art and sell them as posters, mugs, or t-shirts. These days, art can be sold as pillows, blankets, skirts and even leggings! All three sites are selling art as legging and I am restraining myself from buying them. I recently received an email that Redbubble was selling hardcover journals and I had to buy some to test them out.

Each of the notebooks arrive in a Redbubble box like that one at the top of the photo. The box has padding in it to protect the books. Those boxes were inside of another box that was used to ship them.

The books are pretty durable. The art covers are made of a thick but soft plastic-like material that they wrapped around the book and then glued the pages to the book.

I would have to use the books for a couple of days but they don't look or feel like they will fall apart any time soon. The paper feels thicker than Moleskin paper, but I'm no paper expert, so I don't know if that means it is better.

This is the blank page version. My friend and I are doing another drawing exercise book, and I think I might use this as my book for the project.

This is the ruled line version. this could be used as a notebook to jot down quick ideas or notes, but might not have enough pages to work as a diary/journal.

This is the graph version. If you look closely, you will notice the page is filled with plus signs instead of boxes. I've never seen graph paper designed like this before. I plan on using this book to practice writing Hangul, Kana and Kanji, so I don't mind too much. If I had bought this for any other purpose that needed real graph paper, I might have been upset. The website does not show picture examples of the paper.

The books are made after you order them, so they take a while to ship. Five days passed from the time I placed my order to when it was shipped. It took seven days from when my package was shipped to be delivered to me.

I like the notebooks and I might make Redbubble my default place to buy new notebooks (not including the impulse buys. Those can't be helped). Out of the three, Redbubble is the only one that sells notebooks. Redbubble also sells spiral notebooks, and maybe I should buy those to test them out as well.

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