Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again

When winter comes around, I tend to feel the need to crochet. This is similar to when summer comes around I feel the need to read more books. I don't know if this is a personal habit or social conditioning. I should try to condition myself to draw more during the spring and Autumn. Then I will have the majority of my hobbies that I feel I don't do enough because they compete with others covered.

I started making the hat above in the beginning of December. I started it a while ago but unraveled a bunch of it and started over to make it a puff stich hat.

I finished it a few weeks ago and started to make an Infinity scarf. 

I made the mistake of using thin yarn for a design the requires me to dip into the row below to make two rows into a set. The first 10 rows or so took up 2.5 skeins of yarn. I also made the mistake of making the scarf super long forgetting that since I am using organic yarn, it will stretch when I wash it. Just somethings I had to learn and remember for next time.

I will be too happy when this is done because it is starting to get boring. I keep thinking about starting another project but I know this will go unfinished for a while if I don't stick with it.

The day after my birthday I had a dentist appt and decided to head to the yarn store afterwards. The yarn store is about 50+ blocks away and I wanted to walk most of way there but it was too wet and rainy. I ended up only walking 22 blocks before I gave up and took the train the rest if the way.

I think I went a little over board. I only needed to get 4 more skeins to finish the scarf but decided to stock up on yarn and other crochet tools. I already had about 5 or 6 skeins of yarn (maybe more). I think I have enough yarn to last me the rest of the winter.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Fridays: 8-17-13

(text from the description on Vimeo)

This is a video I made one afternoon on a Summer Friday*.

Do you see the guy in the first clip sitting on the bench to the left? He is old school. What I mean by old school is that he had a pile of sheet music with lyrics, a walkman and a stack of tapes. Yes i said a walkman and tapes. He was listening and singing the music out loud.

At first I thought about moving but then I thought it was actually refreshing. Plus I didn't want him to feel alienated as if he was doing something wrong or weird. He was listening to songs from the 50's or 60's. One of the songs he sang was a song from the Movie Dirty Dancing. He sang another song that sounded like the Food Emporium song.

*Summer Friday is when a company gives their employees a half day or the whole day off on Fridays during the summer. The employees usually have to make up the hours during the earlier part of the week.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I Started Sketching Again

I'm doing a book challenge again this year. I'm trying to read 20 books and I am way behind. I'm currently reading about 8 books but I only finished one and it's the beginning of July. I was trying to finish the book "The Art of Disney Brave" since I started It last year. I was actually inspired to draw. I say it like that because I have not been inspired to do anything in a very very long while. I kept stopping to draw things I saw in the book and these are two of the things I drew. 

One of my issues is that I can't seem to draw from my own imagination well. It's like the picture in my brain is too fuzzy or keeps changing to use it as a reference. If I look at a photo or another drawing, I can draw a some what decent-ish looking replica. It's very frustrating and I understand practice makes perfect but this had been going on for years.

I enjoyed the book not only because I like the movie but because they explain the process of making a concept turn into a feature cg animated movie. There is a lot of collecting real life examples and research that is done for animated movies. Don't be fooled into thinking that cg animated movies don't need traditional artist because there is a lot of drawing, character building and fleshing out concepts that are done on paper way before the first cg model is created. 

I just bought the book "The Art of Blue Sky Epic" and hopefully I like it as much and get inspired to sketch again.

Monday, April 29, 2013


So apparently I am missing 14 weeks of photos for my 52 weeks project. The problem is not that I didn't take photos. The issue is more that I've taken photos, but never put in the time to select and upload one or I took photos that week but not any photos meant to better my photography skills. The photos were random photos or I was taking photos to document something.

I get so reluctant about uploading photos because I want them to be the best photos I can take and not just anything, but of course that holds me back from doing anything. This doesn't even matter anyway because I end up hating most of the stuff I upload.

Ugh. I'm going to try to set time aside every day this week to at least select which photos I am going to upload and check to see if I am really missing photos for a week. I even created a spreadsheet! I dislike the fact that I had to make a spreadsheet because that takes the fun out of it but if I want to commit to this year long project, I think I have to be formal and structured about this @_@.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 2 - 4

So I've managed to take photos each week but failed to upload them during the week they belong too. Along as the photo was taken during the correct time period, it still counts. Below are photo from week 2, 3 and 4. Click on the photos to read the story behind each photo.

Craftsmanship (week 2)
Craftsmanship (week 2)

Water Water Everywhere (week 3)
Water Water Everywhere (week 3)

Masala Dosa (week 4)
Masala Dosa (week 4)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

52 Weeks Projects

I love photography and love taking photos, but that is hard to tell by looking at the amount of photos I took and uploaded last year. My current job is very stressful and I spend a lot of time working nights and weekends. On top of that, I have a lot of sick family members and a few that passed away last year. To sum it up, last year was a horrible, horrible year for me. I stopped taking photos, I can't remember the last time I sketched anything, I stopped reading, I failed to meet my reading goal for last year and I have not even touched my crochet needle in a very long time.

I want this year to be a much brighter year. I need to make time to do things that I like, love or bring joy to my life. I would have liked to participate in the 365 project, but I think that is too much for me right now. So I'm doing the 52 week project.

Anyone can do the 52 week project. The project can be started at any time of the year. You don't have to start it at the beginning of the year. You just have to keep at it for 52 weeks. It is meant as a way to get better at your particular craft, stir your creative juices and to join in with others who are doing the same thing. While doing a sketch a week would be an easier choice, I chose to take and upload a photo once a week.

Below is the photo I took for week one. I actually, I forgot about the project and had to upload the only photo I took that week.

Red Memories (week 1)

My aunt's birthday was the second day of the year. She passed away last year. I usually makes cupcakes for her on her birthday, so this year I bought her favorite kind in her honor and said a little prayer.

So today starts week four. I took photos for week two and week three. I just haven't had the time to choose the best ones and upload them. Maybe I'll do it in the next couple of days.