Saturday, July 3, 2010

Starting Over with The Purple Scarf

When I created the purple scarf months ago I used the wrong stitch. Actully, I started the scarf years ago and then finished it up months ago. I had planned on leaving it at my mom's apt so I had something to do while hanging out with my mom. I mean, I don't always have to go to her apt to fix something or celebrate an event.

When the scarf was done I was relieved but unsatisfied. It looked horrible. It was wider on one side than it was on the other. The begining stitch looked way different than the stitch I ended up using. I told myself I would unravel it and do it over when I finished the other projects. The green hat isn't done but I couldn't wait. I need specail black yarn to finish the green hat. I have more yarn but not sure what to make. Plus my crochet books are still in boxes.

So this is what I have so far and yes those are my toes.

-- Sent from my Palm Prē

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