Sunday, April 19, 2015

April Photo Book Challenge: day 18

Day 18: Interesting Cover

I feel like 'favorite cover' and 'interesting cover' are close to the same thing. I try not to judge a book by its cover, so it was hard to find a cover that I thought was interesting.

I don't remember this book well, but I don't think Sookie flies at all in this book, so it is weird that they have her flying on the cover. This is book 10 in the series and I read this back in Sept 2010 (wow it didn't know it has been 5 years since I read the last book), so all of the books are jumbled all into one in my head. The other thing that is somewhat interesting or i should say something I like, it that the flower and her dress sparkles. Annnnnnd I just realized I could have used this for the flower challenge. I finally dug into a third box to find a book for this word and found this book. For the previous challenges I was using books from two boxes and my nightstand. I really need to buy bookcases.

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