Wednesday, August 19, 2015

100 Days of Black and White Photos: Day 18

The 'S' in Seattle is for spiders. That is one the of the first things I noticed when I got here; spiders everywhere. There is even a spider that made a home outside my window. It is the size of a green pea. The one in this photo is probably the size of a U.S. quarter.

I think I notice the spiders more in the autumn time. I didn't see them much this summer. But then again, maybe the rain brings them out. It did rain a few days ago and it has not rained much all summer. Today when I was walking around after work, I saw them everywhere. This one was in the ivy bushes of a stairwell path that leading up to a higher part of the park. Someone can easily brush by its web and accidentally bring it home with them. *shudders*

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