Wednesday, August 26, 2015

100 Days of Black and White Photos: Day 25

What do you do if you see a broken snail?

I went for a walk during lunch to take photos with my new film camera. On my way to the market to get food, I saw this guy. I'm always looking down. I try to be aware of where I walk so I'm not cleaning off my shoes later. I saw the snail and got excited. The snail was really tiny, maybe the size of a dime. I started taking photos of it on its right side. Then I noticed it was cracked. I literally gasped and my heart sunk. I didn't know what to do. I like snails. Hell, I created a tumblr blog for them. I wanted to help it get to safety. I didn't want to move it, because I might have hurt it more and it might have been scared of me. I didn't want to just leave it. I tried to wait for it to get to the dirt, but it was moving at a snail's pace. I ended up waiting for a little bit to make sure no dogs came by and bothered it, but after a while I had to leave.

As I walked away, I had to tell myself that it is just a part of nature and life. Maybe a bird will come by and have food to feed its babies. I later searched online and saw that depending on the crack, the snail will heal itself. The biggest problem is that it can dry up. The site also gave tips on how to nurse it back to health. I think If I had found it in that condition in my backyard (if I had a backyard, or a house) I would have tried to nurse it back to health.

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